Database of women holding a postdoctoral academic qualification
The Office of the Working Group for Equal Opportunities is administering a database of women holding a postdoctoral academic qualification (Habilitation) from an Austrian University. The database is continuously updated.
This measure to promote women is advantageous to women as well as departments searching for qualified women:
Woman holding a postdoctoral academic qualification (Habilitation): You can register in our database by filling in the data sheet. As soon as a department searching for qualified women is asking us for a database query in your field of expertise, we will send you the tender specification by e-mail. You can then decide if you would like to submit your application and directly send it to the department. We will not pass on your data to the department that is recruiting staff!
In order to be registered in our database and informed about job ads in your field of expertise, please send the data sheet to akgl(at) In case you would like to change your data later on, just send us an e-mail.
Departments searching for qualified women: If you are looking for qualified women holding a postdoctoral academic qualification for your vacant position, you can send an e-mail with the tender specification to akgl(at) We will carry out a search in our database and, if the search has been successful, forward the tender specification to the women qualified. This is how we can contribute to informing more qualified women about job vacancies and professorships in their fields of expertise. Furthermore, we will inform you about whether, and if so, how many women your tender specification has been sent to.
Here you can find the Data Protection Declaration in English.
More information on possibilities of searching for qualified women is available on our German website.
Office of the Working Group for Equal Opportunities
Harrachgasse 34, 8010 Graz
from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
The fastest way to schedule an appointment:
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