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If Affected

Our English site is currently under construction. Please note that the content might vary from the content of the German site.

Detailed information on bullying, sexual harassment and disabilities as well as further links on these topics can be found in the following section.

People can be discriminated against because of different reasons and in different ways.

We provide information, advice, mediation and assistance and can, if necessary, offer support when taking legal action. When required, we also provide the necessary contact information of further advisory institutions. As a general rule, measures are only taken after you have clearly expressed your consent.

If you have any questions or need more information, please feel free to contact us: akgl(at)uni-graz.at.

It goes without saying that we will treat your personal request strictly confidential! The members of the Working Group for Equal Opportunities are subject to official secrecy!

Detailed information on equal treatment and full equality of women and man in employment is available in the brochure “Your Legitimate Right” (Federal Ministry of Health and Women, Vienna, 2006).

Office of the Working Group for Equal Opportunities

Harrachgasse 34, 8010 Graz

Phone:+43 316 380 - 1026

Office hours: Mon.-Fri.
from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.

The fastest way to schedule an appointment:

We are a LUIS*A-Spot!

Other points of contact:

Luis*a on Campus

Counseling Center TARA

Act4respect Telephone counselling

Women's helpline against violence: 0800 / 222 555 (free of charge throughout Austria)

uniHELP (for university members only)

Further points of contact for those seeking advice (only available in German)

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